Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming

This technique relies on prospective memory, which is how you remember your intentions to do things, such as buy certain things at the grocery store. The version of MILD here is paraphrased from Skyfall's MILD, which in turn is based closely on the "official" MILD by Dr. Stephen LaBerge.


Note: Repetition helps tremendously with this technique.

Perform a few "cycles" of this technique before bed. This helps solidify your intentions and attaches them to dreams you've had, while keeping it fresh on your mind as you fall asleep.

How this works

Why does this technique use existing (or imagined) dreams to tie the intention to? It helps you practice your intention in a "real-world setting," which in this case is your imagination. In fact, this is the same way dreams help you practice real-world skills. It helps you remember what to do within the context of a given situation (your dreams).

Further information