Persistent Realms

A persistent realm is a recurring (persistent) place or concept (realm) that exists in your dreams, and you visit it multiple times. It is comparable to a fictional universe like the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the Star Wars universe, or to a TV or movie series where you have multiple episodes.

Drafting a PR

You may want to flesh out an idea for a more fully developed persistent realm that is comparable to the MCU or the Star Wars universe. If you do, it might be a good idea to draft your ideas for it, and any key elements you want to have, such as:

Note: you can and should leave most of the details out. Plot, for example, is best done if it just happens, and isn't planned in advance. It's more fun that way.

You can absolutely skip this part entirely, and maybe you even should, especially if you want to make a PR out of a past dream.

Getting into your PR

Once you've decided upon a realm you want to visit, there are a few ways you can get there:

PR Tips

Further reading