Dream Control

Dream control is simply the skill and ability to control your dreams, and how you act and behave in them. The following pages and concepts are centered around what you can do with your dreams once you are lucid and/or in control of them.

Young girl levitating by her waist

Basic actions

Sometimes you don't want to get elaborate with your dream control. Here are a few basic things you can do in dreams (that you probably can't do in real life).

A Persistent Realm is a recurring setting with its own continuing plot. You can read more about what they are, how to create them, and how to visit them on the PRs page.


"SCAN" is the name given to an extrasensory sense that can teach you about your dream. Simply ask yourself what the rules are, or where this person is, how to make this legendary artifact, or where you are. If you need an answer, your dream will give it to you.

Other ways of getting information

You can also ask a dream character for certain information, and you'll probably understand the information fully, or just open a web browser in your dream and Google it. You can also try to find your HUD if you need to check status information, such as your health or objective, too.


If you feel like your dreams become "unstable," don't worry! If this happens to you, the simplest and probably the most effective way to deal with it is to ignore it. Alternatively, you can click here to see other methods, which mostly involve grounding yourself in the dream.

Methods of Dream Control

If you're having trouble with the "just do it" method, here are some other things you can try.

Further information

You can read more about these topics on this website:

Learn more about controlling your dreams: